Gift Basket – Apres’ Planting
This is a classic Fleurs & Jardin tin (8″ long x 10.5″wide x 4.5″ tall), filled with what every gardener needs when the digging is done. I’m not much of a gardener, but I keep trying!
- Treat Your Feet & Legs Lotion (with Peppermint & Tea Tree)
- Lavender glycerin bar soap
- Pumice Stone slightly curved (easier to handle in the shower)
- Extreme Hand Cream (can be re-named Gardener’s Extreme Hand Cream)
- Nail Brush – because dirt under the fingernails will happen!
- Exfoliating Shower Gloves
- Sore Muscle Body Oil
- Lavender/Vanilla “Pocket Latte” Chocolate Bar
You could even pair it with a plant as your gift, but either way the gardener in your life will so appreciate the thoughtful gift of relaxing with fine products after the planting is done.
Note: We rarely need to make substitutions, but if we do, we’ll be sure to keep to the theme and the price!
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