Essential Oils


We offer a small selection of pure essential oils with proven aromatherapy benefits. They are high-quality and can be worn on the skin because we use just enough organic Jojoba oil to make that possible.

Eucalyptus – fresh and woody, was traditionally a native medicinal in Australia and now most used for its uplifting, aromatic, decongesting properties.

Grapefruit – A rise-and-shine aroma, a bright refresher with tart and juicy citrus notes.

Lavender – Aromatic and effective, this pure Lavender Essential Oil is a classic fresh, floral scent. Long known to calm and uplift the spirit, while soothing and balancing the skin.

Patchouli – For thousands of years, this earthy, natural patchouli essential oil has been and is still used as a base for most perfume and essential oil blends.

Peppermint – This pure natural aromatic oil cools and refreshes the skin, while boosting and stimulating the spirit. Also said to alleviate headaches.

Rosemary – A Mediterranean herb used by the Romans and Greeks both in cooking and medicines. It is uplifting, herbal and fresh. Blends beautifully with Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint or Eucalyptus, Frankincense, Cinnamon and Rose.

Tea Tree, aka Melleleuka – From the Australian eucalyptus tree, this aromatic oil has long been used as an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal treatment.

Orange – classic, softly sweet and juicy. Like most citrus family oils, it’s uplifting and energizing

 (scent descriptions)  


Essential Oils are highly-concentrated essences extracted from one, some, or all parts of plants, depending on what is needed.

E.O.s are potent, so please use sparingly.

E.O.s are not actually oily-feeling. Even with a carrier oil, such a small amount is used, it is normally a non-issue.

Most E.O.s are not suitable for application on the skin. In order to wear them, they will have a higher amount of a carrier oil. For instance, we use organic Jojoba oil for that purpose. How much we use depends on the E.O.

I like to keep one of the citrus oils in my bathroom to simply open the bottle and smell it in the morning. Citrus is great for waking up, energizing, and better mental clarity – something I can use before I get my first cup of coffee!

Additional information

Bottle Size

1/2 oz Bottle, 1/3 oz Roll-On Vial


Eucalyptus-E, Grapefruit-E, Lavender-E, None, Orange-E, Patchouli-E, Peppermint-E, Rosemary-E, Tea Tree-E


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