“Thieves Oil”, also known by variations on that name (such as 3-, 4-, or 5-Thieve’s Oil) is a legendary blend.
If you’re unfamiliar with it, here is the usual story:
In the 15th century, when the dreaded plague spread across Europe claiming millions of lives, a few thieves in Marseilles were safely stealing the possessions of people lying dead in the streets. When they were finally caught, authorities wanted to know why they didn’t succumb to the plague. The thieves didn’t become infected because they had applied a powerful blend of essential oils on their bodies. We now know that blend as thieves oil.
Although official research into this specific blend is limited, the potency of the individual oils in this blend – anti-microbial activity, boosting the immune system, promoting respiratory health, etc – have long been known and used widely throughout the world.
Thieves oil can be used in a variety of applications, such as steam inhalation, diffusion, cleaning household surfaces, and in lotions and oils for your skin. You know where this is going, don’t you?!
A supplier (and aromatherapist) I trust is making this blend for me, but I want you to know it does cost more than my other natural essential oils.
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